Selected Publications
Listed are some of the papers Nick has co-authored since his research career began back at the University of Oxford, spanning a wide variety of topics including psychology, driver training, highway design, human factors and automated vehicles. Full publication list available at Google Scholar.
Bonnefon, J-F., Černý, D., Danaher, J., Devillier, N., Johansson, V., Kovacikova, T., Martens, M., Mladenovic, M.N., Palade, P., Reed, N., Santoni De Sio, F., Tsinorema, S., Wachter, S., Zawieska, K. (2020) Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles Recommendations on road safety, privacy, fairness, explainability and responsibility. European Commission, doi:10.2777/035239.
Karageorghis, C., Kuan, G., Payre, W., Reed, N., & Parkes, A. (2020). Influence of Music Intensity and Lyrics on Simulated Urban Driving. In Brain. Cognition. Emotion. Music. Conference..
Zmud, J. P., & Reed, N. (2019). Synthesis of the Socioeconomic Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility. In Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings (No. 56).
Innamaa S., Smith S., Wilmink I., Reed N. (2018) Impact Assessment. In: Meyer G., Beiker S. (eds) Road Vehicle Automation 4. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer, Cham
Kyriakidis, M., de Winter, J. C., Stanton, N., Bellet, T., van Arem, B., Brookhuis, K., ... & Reed, N. (2017). A human factors perspective on automated driving. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-27.
Reed N (2016) Psychology and the Automated Vehicle. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 6 (4), 1- 2
Fernández-Medina K, Reed N (2015) Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): An evaluation of CBT for the treatment of riding-related stress. PPR744. Crowthorne: TRL Limited.
Harwood, N and Reed, N (2014) Modelling the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Motorway Capacity. PPR681. Crowthorne: TRL Limited
Gouy, M., Diels, C., Reed, N., Stevens, A., & Burnett, G. (2013). Do drivers reduce their headway to a lead vehicle because of the presence of platoons in traffic? A conformity study conducted within a simulator. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 7(2), 230-235.
Robbins, R, Reed, N., Kinnear, N., Stannard, J. & Smith, R. (2012) Electric Vehicle Development and Validation of the TRL Simulator. Title. In D. De Waard, K. Brookhuis, et al. (Eds.) (2012), Human Factors: a view from an integrative perspective. Proceedings HFES Europe Chapter Conference Toulouse 2012, Downloaded from
Gouy, M., Diels, C., Reed, N., Stevens, A. & Burnett, G. (2012) Preferred time headway assessment with the method of limits. In P.V. Mora, J.-F. Pace and L. Mendoza (Eds), Proceedings of European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems (pp. 87-93). HUMANIST Publications.
Gouy, M., Diels, C., Reed, N., Stevens, A. & Burnett, G. (2012) The effects of short time headways within automated vehicle platoons on other drivers. In N. A. Stanton (Ed), Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation (pp. 529-538). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.
Jackson, P., Hilditch, C., Holmes, A., Reed, N., Merat, N., & Smith, L. (2011) Fatigue and Road Safety: A Critical Analysis of Recent Evidence. Department for Transport. Retrieved Oct 2017:
Reed, N., Basacik, D., Chattington, M & Parkes, A. M. (2009) A methodology for the investigation of distraction by advertising using a driving simulator. DSC 2009 Europe (pp259-267), Monaco, France: INRETS-Renault
Reed, N & Robbins, R (2008) The Effect of Text Messaging on Driver Behaviour: A Simulator Study. PPR 367, Crowthorne: TRL Limited
Reed, N., Parkes A. M., Peacock, C., Lang, B. & Rehm, L. (2007) SCOTSIM: An evaluation of the effectiveness of two truck simulators for professional driver training. Published Project Report PPR214. Crowthorne: TRL Limited
Ho, C., Reed, N., & Spence, C. (2007). Multisensory in-car warning signals for collision avoidance. Human factors, 49(6), 1107-1114.
Reed, N. (2006) Driver behaviour in response to actively illuminated road studs: a simulator study. Published Project Report PPR143, TRL Limited
Parkes, A.M. & Reed. N. (2005) Transfer Of Fuel Efficient Driving Technique From The Simulator To The Road. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting. Oct 2005, Turin, Italy
Reed, N. (2005) The Role Of Simulation In Driving Future Vehicles. Intelligent Transport Society (UK) Members’ Handbook 2005
McLeod, P., Reed, N., & Dienes, Z (2003) How fielders arrive in time to catch the ball. Nature 426, 244-245.