Selected Publications

Listed are some of the papers Nick has co-authored since his research career began back at the University of Oxford, spanning a wide variety of topics including psychology, driver training, highway design, human factors and automated vehicles. Full publication list available at Google Scholar.

  • Bonnefon, J-F., Černý, D., Danaher, J., Devillier, N., Johansson, V., Kovacikova, T., Martens, M., Mladenovic, M.N., Palade, P., Reed, N., Santoni De Sio, F., Tsinorema, S., Wachter, S., Zawieska, K. (2020) Ethics of Connected and Automated Vehicles Recommendations on road safety, privacy, fairness, explainability and responsibility. European Commission, doi:10.2777/035239.

  • Karageorghis, C., Kuan, G., Payre, W., Reed, N., & Parkes, A. (2020). Influence of Music Intensity and Lyrics on Simulated Urban Driving. In Brain. Cognition. Emotion. Music. Conference..

  • Zmud, J. P., & Reed, N. (2019). Synthesis of the Socioeconomic Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles and Shared Mobility. In Transportation Research Board Conference Proceedings (No. 56).

  • Innamaa S., Smith S., Wilmink I., Reed N. (2018) Impact Assessment. In: Meyer G., Beiker S. (eds) Road Vehicle Automation 4. Lecture Notes in Mobility. Springer, Cham

  • Kyriakidis, M., de Winter, J. C., Stanton, N., Bellet, T., van Arem, B., Brookhuis, K., ... & Reed, N. (2017). A human factors perspective on automated driving. Theoretical Issues in Ergonomics Science, 1-27.

  • Reed N (2016) Psychology and the Automated Vehicle. Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy 6 (4), 1- 2

  • Fernández-Medina K, Reed N (2015) Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT): An evaluation of CBT for the treatment of riding-related stress. PPR744. Crowthorne: TRL Limited.

  • Harwood, N and Reed, N (2014) Modelling the Impact of Autonomous Vehicles on Motorway Capacity. PPR681. Crowthorne: TRL Limited

  • Gouy, M., Diels, C., Reed, N., Stevens, A., & Burnett, G. (2013). Do drivers reduce their headway to a lead vehicle because of the presence of platoons in traffic? A conformity study conducted within a simulator. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 7(2), 230-235.

  • Robbins, R, Reed, N., Kinnear, N., Stannard, J. & Smith, R. (2012) Electric Vehicle Development and Validation of the TRL Simulator. Title. In D. De Waard, K. Brookhuis, et al. (Eds.) (2012), Human Factors: a view from an integrative perspective. Proceedings HFES Europe Chapter Conference Toulouse 2012, Downloaded from

  • Gouy, M., Diels, C., Reed, N., Stevens, A. & Burnett, G. (2012) Preferred time headway assessment with the method of limits. In P.V. Mora, J.-F. Pace and L. Mendoza (Eds), Proceedings of European Conference on Human Centred Design for Intelligent Transport Systems (pp. 87-93). HUMANIST Publications.

  • Gouy, M., Diels, C., Reed, N., Stevens, A. & Burnett, G. (2012) The effects of short time headways within automated vehicle platoons on other drivers. In N. A. Stanton (Ed), Advances in Human Aspects of Road and Rail Transportation (pp. 529-538). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press.

  • Jackson, P., Hilditch, C., Holmes, A., Reed, N., Merat, N., & Smith, L. (2011) Fatigue and Road Safety: A Critical Analysis of Recent Evidence. Department for Transport. Retrieved Oct 2017:

  • Reed, N., Basacik, D., Chattington, M & Parkes, A. M. (2009) A methodology for the investigation of distraction by advertising using a driving simulator. DSC 2009 Europe (pp259-267), Monaco, France: INRETS-Renault

  • Reed, N & Robbins, R (2008) The Effect of Text Messaging on Driver Behaviour: A Simulator Study. PPR 367, Crowthorne: TRL Limited

  • Reed, N., Parkes A. M., Peacock, C., Lang, B. & Rehm, L. (2007) SCOTSIM: An evaluation of the effectiveness of two truck simulators for professional driver training. Published Project Report PPR214. Crowthorne: TRL Limited

  • Ho, C., Reed, N., & Spence, C. (2007). Multisensory in-car warning signals for collision avoidance. Human factors, 49(6), 1107-1114.

  • Reed, N. (2006) Driver behaviour in response to actively illuminated road studs: a simulator study. Published Project Report PPR143, TRL Limited

  • Parkes, A.M. & Reed. N. (2005) Transfer Of Fuel Efficient Driving Technique From The Simulator To The Road. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Europe Chapter Annual Meeting. Oct 2005, Turin, Italy

  • Reed, N. (2005) The Role Of Simulation In Driving Future Vehicles. Intelligent Transport Society (UK) Members’ Handbook 2005

  • McLeod, P., Reed, N., & Dienes, Z (2003) How fielders arrive in time to catch the ball. Nature 426, 244-245.