Reed Mobility brings insights from the latest R&D in transport and partnerships across the mobility sector to create meaningful and productive collaboration across cities, technologies, people and data, with expert, independent consultancy across a wide range of sectors and with organisations of all sizes.
| Industry
Reed Mobility can support the private sector in the development and execution of optimal strategies related to future transportation and mobility, particularly focused on connected and automated vehicles, integration of active travel strategies and the development of . This includes consultancy around investments, acquisitions and R&D programs and bidding for / delivering collaborative research projects, working with organisations from all sectors and of all sizes.
| Public sector
With strong awareness of the needs of and constraints upon public sector organisations, Reed Mobility can help in how policy and regulations can support desired outcomes in transportation, accounting for the state of the art and future prospects in mobility technologies. Extensive experience of the sector means that Reed Mobility can support the evaluation of bids and proposals to ensure maximum value is achieved from the available resource.
| Academia
Having worked in academia at postdoctoral level and collaborated in many projects with many universities, Reed Mobility can support the academic sector by guiding research activities to maximise impact and connecting potential industry partners into research programs. Having guided and examined PhDs, Reed Mobility can also provide industrial supervisory input or act as external examiner to postgraduate students.
| Start-up / Scale-up
Reed Mobility has experience working with many start-ups and scale-up organisations in the transport sector, we recognise the challenges they face and how they can be overcome. We can help by providing key strategic insights and building vital connections to customers / partners that will accelerate growth and fulfil potential.
| Bid / Project
Developing bids for R&D projects is challenging. With many successes in bidding for multi-million pound R&D projects and research council funding, Reed Mobility can help in all stages of bid development from ensuring proposed projects meet the issued specification and building cross-sector consortia to preparing bid documents and interview / presentation materials.